We want to know what you think!

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Please share your website builder experiences with us. Once we’ve published your review on Tooltester.com you will receive an email from us. Thank you for helping us make the market more transparent.

And now have fun, our team is looking forward to reading your review!

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  • Terms of use:
    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. When submitting this form, you confirm that you are submitting your own review and that this review has not been published anywhere else on the internet. We reserve the right to correct typographical errors and to trim the review if necessary. The core intent of the review will be retained in such cases. In order to publish the review, we require your valid e-mail address. We are not obligated to publish any given submission. Should we be currently offering a prize of some sort in exchange for a review (e.g. a raffle or giveaway), you may only participate if your review is actually published on Tooltester.com. There is no right to appeal.